A New Type of Gardening for Me

Spring days just seem to sum up life. A spot of sun, a dash of rain, a dusting of snow, a moments warmth, followed by a gust of wind moving the day through rotations of drab and light.  Having planted the seeds for my spring crops in their neat little pods on the coffee table by the sliding glass doors and replenished Harebelle the rabbit’s supply of alfalfa I think of what I need to accomplish on this sum it up kind of day.  Unfortunately I have gotten all the fun tasks out of the way and have the overwhelmingly tedious jobs of a housekeeper left to do.  Inside me screams, “I AM NOT A HOUSEKEEPER!” the frustration of not being able to find the work for which I trained and the lack of self worth at my slob looking home while I ‘sit’ at home being unproductive and unemployed.

I tell myself I am a valuable member of this household and smirk at myself, then I tell the dogs so I feel like I am not having a conversation with myself as their three sets of ears perk , heads tilt, and their loving eyes tell me they want me to do something interesting.  They’re bored, I am bored, and we all want to be out in the sun enjoying a hike to… well the ‘to’ doesn’t matter, really it’s just the going.  I feel guilty for letting the weather hold me hostage, for my house holding me in an antisocial funk of winter gunk and blah.  I resolve, it seems, each day that tomorrow will be more productive and that I will become this awesome Proverbs 31 housekeeper woman, and each day I don’t.  Well today I am trying something new.  Not a new way to do it, but a new attitude.

I am going to garden my house clean, if ‘it’ doesn’t help me or another household member grow, spiritually, emotionally, or physically, then ‘it’ has to go.  I am going to weed my house and ‘plant flowers’!  You see I love gardening, weeding, mowing- those are chores I have no problem doing, in fact I will pretend those chores are higher on the list than they should be because they are outside! So just like my garden, I am going to work in one spot at a time and today I am going to weed the bathroom, then when I am done I am going to put something that actually does grow (that I want to grow) in there to make me want to be in there.  There are some challenges to growing a plant in my bathroom that I can tackle once the bathroom is ‘weeded’ and that is all the reward I need.  Tomorrow it will be a new challenge!

If you have any fun, challenging, insightful ideas as to what I should plant in the bathroom… let me know!!